Erasmus +

Erasmus +


Popis Erasmus+ stranih partnera (ugovora) RGNf-a za mobilnost u 2025./26. Država Institucija
(Erasmus kod)
ISCED kod Razina studija Broj studenata Trajanje po studentu (u mjesecima) Informacije
1. Austrija Montanuniversität Leoben
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction, 0710 - Engineering and engineering trades, not further defined Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 10 5 Link
2. Belgija Université de Liège
(B  LIEGE01)
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 2 5 Information
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Češka republika Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining and Geology (CZ OSTRAVA01) 0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master 4 5  
4. Finska University of Oulu, Oulu Mining School
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5

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Friedrich Schiller University Jena (D JENA01) 0532 - Earth sciences Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5  
6. Njemačka Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Faculty of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining
0532 - Earth sciences Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5


7. Mađarska Miskolci Egyetem
0532 - Earth sciences, 0712 - Environmental protection technology, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Information
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8. Nizozemska Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
0532 - Earth sciences Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master 2 5 Link
9. Poljska Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Information
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10. Poljska Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management
0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master 2 5 Information
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11. Poljska Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas
0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Information
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12. Poljska Politechnika Wroclawska, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Information
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13. Portugal Universidade de Lisboa, Tecnico Lisboa
(P  LISBOA109)
0724 - Mining and extraction Postgraduate / Master 2 5

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"Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geology (RO IASI02) 0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5  


Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences (SK BRATISL02) 0532 - Earth sciences Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5  
16. Slovenija University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Link
17. Španjolska

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Information
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18. Švedska  Luleå University of Technology
0532 - Earth sciences, 0724 - Mining and extraction Undergraduate / Bachelor, Postgraduate / Master, Doctorate / PhD 4 5 Information
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Erasmus+ natječaj za mobilnost studenata za studijski boravak - programske zemlje KA131 (EU) ak. god. 2024./25.

Kriteriji za odabir kandidata za sudjelovanje u programu razmjene studenata Erasmus+ u ak. god. 2024./2025.

ESN Zagreb traži tebe da postaneš Buddy.