

2nd International and 14th National Congress of Soil Science Society of Serbia, 25-28. September 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia

Presentation by Assist. Prof. Stanko Ružičić:

Ružičić, S., Banfić, J., Durn, G., Sondi, I., Ivanić, M. (2017): Mineralogical and geochemical properties of soil around Kuti lake. – Congress Proceedings, Novi Sad, 2017, 10-14.

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, 8-13. April 2018, Vienna, Austria

Presentation by Dr. Sonja Lojen:

Lojen, S., Cukrov, Ne., Škapin, S.D., Sondi, I. (2018):
Geochemical indicators of authigenic calcite precipitation in carbonaceous fluvial environments. - Conference Book, Vienna, 2018, Vol. 20, EGU2018-6379

9th Mid-European Clay Conference, 17-21. September 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

Presentation by Dr. Sonja Lojen:

Lojen, S., Škapin, S.D., Ivanić, M., Troskot-Čorbić, T., Sondi, I. (2018):
Formation of authigenic cements in aquatic sediments through precipitation processes at the nanoscale - isotopic and FESEM study. - Conference Book, Zagreb, 2018, p.120.

9th Mid-European Clay Conference, 17-21. September 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

Presentation by Dr. Maja Ivanić:

Ivanić, M., Sondi, I., Durn, G., Škapin, S.D. (2018):
Size-related mineralogical and surface physico-chemical properties of inorganic colloidal particles in recent marine sediments of the Adriatic. - Conference Book, Zagreb, 2018, p.119.

9th Mid-European Clay Conference, 17-21. September 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

Presentation by Prof. Ivan Sondi:

Sondi, I., Škapin, S.D., Durn, G. (2018): Nanosized and nanostructured mineral phases from recent sediments and soils of the Adriatic region. - Conference Book, Zagreb, 2018, p.121.

9th Mid-European Clay Conference, 17-21. September 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

Presentation by Prof. Goran Durn:

Durn, G., Sondi, I., Škapin, S.D., Mileusnić, M., Rennert, T., Cukrov, N., Rubinić, V., Ružičić, S. (2018): Understanding the (paleo)soils:
From paleoenvironmental reconstruction to the role of iron oxides and organic matter on the formation of the surface physicochemical and the aggregation processes. - Conference Book, Zagreb, 2018, 116-118.

9th Mid-European Clay Conference, 17-21. September 2018, Zagreb, Croatia

Presentation by Assist. Prof. Stanko Ružičić:

Ružičić, S., Durn, G., Sondi, I., Cukrov, N., Škapin, S.D., Vdović, N. (2018):
The influence of Fe-oxides and organic matter on surface properties of nanostructured microaggregates of the Terra rossa and Calcocambisol. - Conference Book, Zagreb, 2018, p.93.

14th workshop of the European Society for Isotope Research (ESIR), 25-29. June 2017, Baile Govora, Romania

Presentation by Dr. Sonja Lojen:

Lojen, S., Škapin, S.D., Ivanić, M., Troskot-Čorbić, T., Sondi, I. (2017):
Authigenic formation of nanostructured calcite in a lacustrine karstic environment (Lake Kuti, Croatia): stable isotope and FESEM study.
- Book of Abstracts, Ramnicu Valcea, 2017, 20-22.

16th International Clay Conference, IGC, 17-21. July 2017, Granada, Spain

Presentation by Dr. Maja Ivanić:

Ivanić, M., Durn, G., Sondi, I., Škapin, S.D., (2017):
The role of nanosized mineral particles and their surface properties on formation of microaggregates in soils formed in different pedoenvironments.
- 16th International Clay Conference – Scientific Research Abstracts,Vol. 7, p.360.

14th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 18-19. November 2016, Geneva, Switzerland

Presentation by Dr.Maja Ivanić:

Ivanić, M., Škapin, S., Vdović, N., Mikac, N., Sondi, I. (2016):
Size Dependent Physico-Chemical and Geochemical Characteristics of Two Distinct Carbonate-Rich Marine Sediments (Adriatic Sea).
- Abstract Volume, Symposium 2: Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, 105-106.

41st CIESM Congress, 12-16. September 2016, Kiel, Germany

Presentation by Dr.Maja Ivanić:

Ivanić, M., Vdović, N., Škapin, D. S., Sondi, I. (2016):
Influence of naturally occurring organic and inorganic coatings on surface properties of mineral phases in recent marine sediments (adriatic sea).
- 41st CIESM - Congress Proceedings, 26.

8th Mid-European Clay Conference, 4-8. July 2016, Košice, Slovakia

Presentation by Assoc. Prof. Marta Mileusnić:

Mileusnić, M., Škapin, S., Ivanić, M., Jurina Tokić, I., Sondi, I. (2016): Mineral nanotubes in the recent marine sediments from the southeastern Adriatic.- 8th Mid-European Clay Conference - Book of Abstracts, Košice, Slovakia, 81.

Festival znanosti, 2-7. November 2015, Sinj, Croatia

Presentation by Prof. Ivan Sondi:

Nanočestice minerala u prirodi i laboratoriju

European Society for Isotope Research-ESIR 2015, 20-24. September 2015, Zadar, Croatia

Presentation by Dr. Sonja Lojen:

S. Lojen, I. Jurina, I. Sondi (2015): Deposition and source of sedimentary organic matter in the Neretva deltaic plain and coastal area: its relation to the sediment surface properties.

5th Croatian Geological Congress with international participation, 23-25. September 2015,Osijek, Croatia
Presentation by prof. Goran Durn:
Goran Durn, Ivan Sondi, Nuša Cukrov, Srečo D. Škapin, Neda Vdović (2015): The influence of Fe-oxides and organic matter on aggregation and surface physico-chemical properties of terra rossa and leptosol, Abstrac book, Zagreb, Croatia

Dan Yaalon Symposium, 8-11. April 2015, Viena, Austria

Presentation by prof. Goran Durn:

Durn, G.; Wacha, L.; Frechen, M.;  Rolf, C.; Sedak, M. (2015): Red paleosols on limestone at the base of loess sequence on Susak vs. terra rossa infillings in limestone cracks and cavities:  high-resolution depth and chronological approach, Dan Yaalon Symposium-Programme and abstract book, Vienna, Austria,31-31.

27th International applied geochemistry symposium, 20-24. April 2015, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Presentation by prof. Goran Durn:

Durn, G.; Stummeyer, J.; Ottner, F.; Gaurina Međimurec, N.
(2015): Mineralogy and geochemistry of soils/paleosols formed in contrasting pedoenvironments (oxidizing vs. reducing) on pure cretaceous limestones in Istria, Croatia, Proceedings of International applied geochemistry symposium, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1-12."