Fluid and rock properties Cabinet
Cabinet activity
The cabinet is used for regular rock (core) analyses (effective porosity measured by helium injection, absolute i.e. Klinkenberg permeability by injection of nitrogen through the core at simulated overburden pressure in Hassler core holder, heat conductivity) and special core analysis for fluid saturation estimates and pore size distribution estimates (capillary pressure based on Purcell’s method) for properties which cannot be expressed using the Darcy’s equation. The cabinet has access to the equipment for the fi eld tests such as fl ow rate measurement in pipes and pipe thickness and heat conductivity measurements by thermal response test (TRT) by circulation of heated fl uid through the underground loop.
Head of the Lab: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Ass. Prof.,PhD
Small and medium sized equipment
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Porous Plate Capillary Pressure Apparatus
The assembly includes measuring cell with ceramic plate, console with valves and gas pressure regulators and a precision manometer. Working pressure range 0-5 bar.
Experimental capillary pressure data are further used in evaluation of fluids saturation distribution in the reservoir. Note: the instrument can be used only for student demomstration purposes.
Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Apparatus
The experimental assembly consusts of a hydrostatic core holder, motorized piston-type volumetric pump, associated valving, flow regulators and OB and inlet fluid pressure manometers.
Experimental capillary pressure data are further used in evaluation of fluids saturation distribution in the reservoir.
Relative Permeability Apparatus
The experimental device consists of a hydrostatic core holder, motorized piston volumetric pumps, valves, regulators and manometers for inlet fluid pressure and load petrostatics sample.
Measured relative permeability data are used in conjuction with capillary pressure data to calculate fractional fluid flow rates in the reservoir as well as at a production well.
Gas Permeameter
Consists of a Hassler-type core holder, console with valves and gas regulators, OB pressure manometer, inlet pressure manometer and a piston-type volumeter for gas flow measurements.
Determination of absolute permeability of porous rock.
Helium Porozimetar
Console with sample chamber to accommodate samples of 3 standard diameters, pressure transducer for mean pressure, precision manometer for initial gas pressure, valving and gas flow regulator.
Experimental porosity used for (initial) in-place fluid saturations calculation.
Hassler coreholder
Core samples with a diameter either 1“ or 1.5“, and from 1 to 3“ length can be used Maximum sleeve pressure 67 bara (1000 psig) Maximum pore pressure 6.7 bara (100 psig).
Absolute permeability determination.
Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work)
Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work) in 2016/2017
Course title
Mandatory or Elective course
Number of hours of practical work in lab
Number of students per group
Number of groups
Multiphase Fluid Flow in Porous Rock
Physics of Reservoir Rocks and Fluids
Teaching in the laboratory (Students scientifice research)
Teaching in the laboratory in 2016/2017 (Students scientifice research)
Name and surname of student
Thesis title
BSc thesis
Filip Vodopić
Determination of pore distribution with the supposition of different pore geometries
MSc thesis
Ivan Smajla
Comparison of different methods for analysis of wettability and relative permeability of rocks and their influence on the oil recovery from the new oil reservoir in Sava depression
Tamara Biljanović
Special Core Analysis Data Upscaling By Matching With Empirical Correlations
Monika Kovačević
Petrological, petrophysical and geochemical features of the Miocene deposits of Požega Valley
Rektorova nagrada
Kristina Strpić
Development of a new method for interpretation of thermal response test by applying well testing models from petroleum engineering