Laboratory of mining mechanization and dimension stone

Laboratory of mining mechanization and dimension stone

Lab activity

Laboratory of mining mechanization and dimension stone conducts research on the physical and mechanical properties of rock (fracture toughness of rock, rock cuttability, linear thermal expansion coeffi cient, rheological properties of rocks), technological properties of conveyor belts constructional parameters and physical and mechanical properties of steel wire ropes. The Laboratory also conducts fi eld measurements of stresses and deformations in steel and concrete structures (large diameter steel pipes, steel oil rig containers, concrete tunnel linings etc.). All tests are performed in accordance with the appropriate Croatian and European standards and methods suggested by the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM).

Head of the Lab: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Asst. Prof., PhD.


Analytical procedure and test method




Suggested Method for Determining the Abrasivity of Rock


Suggested method for determining the fracture toughness of rock

HRN EN 14581:2008.

Natural stone testing methods – Determination of linear thermal expansion coefficient

HRN C.H1.030

Stranded wire ropes for mine hoisting –Technical delivery requirements

HRN C.H1.052

Steel ropes for hoistings in mines – Round strand ropes – Construction and technical characteristics.

HRN C.H1.055

Steel ropes for hoisti ngs in mines – Flat ropes –Construction and technical characteristics.

HRN F.B4.016

Stranded wire ropes for mine hoisting – Fibre components – Characteristics and tests

HRN C.A4.002

Metallic materials – Tensile testing.

HRN C.A4.016

Metallic materials – Wire – Simple torsion test

HRN C.A4.016

Metallic materials – Wire -- Reverse bend test

HRN C.H1.021 i HRN C.H1.021/1

Steel ropes for general purpose
Survey of standardized constructions

Small and medium sized equipment
Name inventory Tech.characteristics Application Image

Laboratory device for Testing of the Fracture Toughness of Rock

Pressure : up to 100 bars.

Testing of the fracture toughness of rock.

Zilavost stijena

Laboratory device for Testing of the Rolling Ressistance of Belt Conveyor Rollers


Testing of the rolling ressistance of belt conveyor rollers.


Laboratory device for Testing of Drive out Force of Belt Conveyor Roller Axis

Pressure : up to 20 kPa

Testing of Drive out Force of Belt Conveyor Roller Axis.

Valjci 1

Laboratory device for Testing of the Inclination of the Axis of Belt Conveyor Rollers under Bending Load

Pressure : up to 100 bars

Testing of the Inclination of the Axis of Belt Conveyor Rollers under Bending Load.

Valjci 2

Laboratory device for testing of the tensile strength of steel wire ropes

Force : up to 25 kN

Testing of the tensile strength of steel wire ropes.


Uređaj za ispitivanje čvrstoće čeličnih žica na previjanje


Testing of the inflection strength of steel wires.


Device for testing of the torsion strength of steel wires


Testing of the torsion strength of steel wires.


Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work)

Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work) in 2016/2017

Course title

Mandatory or Elective course

Number of hours of practical work in lab

Number of students per group

Number of groups

Dimension Stone Quarrying And Processing





Teaching in the laboratory (Students scientifice research)

Teaching in the laboratory in 2016/2017 (Students scientifice research)

Name and surname of student

Thesis title

BSc thesis

Domagoj Grgurić

Determining the abrasivity of rock by the Cerchar abrasivity test

MSc thesis

Fran Anušić

The influence of rock abrasivity on chain saw cutting forces

Danijel Rajič

The influence of rake angle of cutting tools on chain saw cutting forces 

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