Geomechanical laboratory

Geomechanical laboratory

Lab activity

Geomechanics laboratory brings together two sections: the Department for Rock Mechanics and the Department for Soil Mechanics. The research activities of the Department for Rock Mechanics are focused on the physical and mechanical properties tests of intact rock materials. The Department contains facilities and equipment for rock testing and rock specimen preparation according to ISRM and other standards. The Department for Soil Mechanics is used to study the material properties of soil.
The Department is capable of conducting classification tests and physical and mechanical properties tests (the shear strength, deformability and saturated hydraulic permeability of soils) in accordance with U.S. and European standards.

Head of the Lab: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Assoc. Prof., PhD


List of methods and procedures
Analytical procedure Test method

Determination of soil moisture

ASTM D 2216

Determination of density of soil solids by water pycnometer

ASTM D 854

Grain size analysis

ASTM D 422

Determination of Atterberg limit

BS 1377

Laboratory investigation of compaction of the soil (Standard Proctor)

ASTM D 698

Laboratory investigation of compaction of the soil (Modified Proctor)

ASTM D 1557

Soil testing in one-dimensional consolidation (oedometer)

ASTM D 2435

Determination of uniaxial compressive strength of soil

BS 1377

Determination soil shear strength by direct shear apparatus

ASTM D 3080

Determination of undrained soil shear strength in the triaxial shear without measurement of pore pressure

BS 1377

Determination soil shear strength in the consolidated undrained triaxial shear with the measurement of pore pressure

BS 1377

Determination soil shear strength in the consolidated drained triaxial shear with the measurement of volume changes

BS 1377

Determination of permeability coherent soil and bentonite carpet using the triaxial cell

ASTM D 5084

Determination of swell index

ASTM D 5890

Determination of water absorption capacity

DIN 18132

Determination of total loss of fluid

ASTM D 5891

Determination of the flow index

ASTM D 5887

Determination of water content, porosity and density of the rock

ISRM SM 1977

Determination of uniaxial compressive strength of rock

ISRM SM 1979

Determination of uniaxial compressive strength and deformability of rock material

ISRM SM 1979

Determination of tensile strength of rock material Brazilian test

ISRM SM 1978

Determination of strength of rock materials in triaxial state of stress

ISRM SM 1978

Determination of the velocity of propagation of elastic waves

ISRM SM 1978

Natural stone test methods - Determination of uniaxial compressive strength

HRN EN 1926

Natural stone test methods - Determination of flexural strength under concentrated load

HRN EN 12372

Determination of strength index PLT procedure

ISRM SM 1985

Determination of hardness Schmidt hammer

ISRM SM 1978

Small and medium sized equipment
Name inventory Tech.characteristics
Application                    Image

Apparatus for determination of water content, porosity and density

Temperature Range

Determination of water content, porosity and density of rocks (ISRM SM 1977).


ELE Compression machine

Capacity 2 MN

Determination of uniaxial compressive strength and deformability of rock materials (ISRM SM 1979); Testing of indirect tensile strength test of the Brazilian rock (ISRM SM 1978); Testing the strength of rock in triaxial stress state (ISRM SM 1978).

Hidraulična presa

Hooek cell

Capacity 70MPa

Determination of the strength of rock in triaxial compression (ISRM SM 1978).

Troosna celija

Seismic Analizer

Max frequency 1MHz

Determining sound velocity (ISRM SM 1978).

Brzina prolaza zvucnih valova

Apparatus for determination of water content and specific gravity of soil

Capacity of 100 l, temp. 40 – 2500C

Determination of water (moisture) content of soil (ASTM D2216); Determination of specific gravity of soil solids by water pycnometer (ASTM D854).

Gustoca vode


ASTM sieve diameter 8'': 75.0mm, 50.0mm, 37.5mm, 25.0mm, 19.0mm, 9.50mm, 4.75mm, 2.0mm, 850 mic, 425 mic, 250 mic, 106 mic, 75 mic

Particle-size analysis of soils (ASTM D422)


Apparatus for particle-size analysis (Hydrometer Method)

Hydromer, Type 151H, ASTM D422, graduated from 0.995 to 1.038 g/ml and glass cylinders 1000ml.

Particle-size analysis of soils (ASTM D422).


Semi-automatic Cone Penetrometer

Automatic controller, the cone 80g/300

Determination of the liquid limit by cone penetrometer method (BS 1377-2:1990, Clause: 4.3).


Direct Shear Apparatus

Specimen size: 100x100x25 mm

Direct shear test of soils under consolidated drained conditions (ASTM D3080).

Izravno smicanje


Max. load capacity: 50 kN, Displacement rate: 0.10 to 51,00 mm/min, Load rate: 1 to 10000 N/sec.

Determination of the unconfined compressive strength by load frame method (BS 1377-7:1990, Clause 7.2).



Specimen size: 63,5x25,4 mm

Determination of the one-dimensional consolidation properties of soils using incremental loading (ASTM D2435).


Triaxial testing system   

Max. load capacity: 50 kN; Displacement rate: 0,00001 do 9,99 mm/min; Sample diameter: 38 & 70 mm.

Determination of the undrained shear strength in triaxial compression without measurement of pore pressure (BS 1377-7:1990, Clause: 8); Consolidated undrained triaxial compression test with measurement of pore pressure (BS 1377-8:1990, Clause: 7); Consolidated drained triaxial compression test.      

Troosni posmik

Teaching in the laboratory

Teaching in the laboratory (students' practical work) in 2016/2017

Course title

Mandatory or Elective course

Number of hours of practical work in lab

Number of students per group

Number of groups

Soil Dynamics





Testing and Monitoring in Geotehnical Engineering





Soil Mechanics 2





Soil Mechanics





Soil Mechanics 1





Rock Mechanics 1





Rock Mechanics





Projects in the laboratory

Projects in the laboratory in 2016/2017

Scientific research (including University support)

GIS model of terrain general passability

The development of the procedure of measurement and data acquisition during the IN SITU determination of stresses and the module of rock mass deformability

Expert projects

Laboratory testing of physical and mechanical characteristics of soil and rocks