Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
The minimum number of ECTS credits required for completion of study: 180 ECTS points
Language of the study programme: Croatian language
Academic/vocational title earned at completion of the study programme: Bachelor of Engineering in Geology (abbreviation: B.Eng. in Geology)
Scientific/artistic field/area of the proposed study programme:
Scientific area of Technical Sciences/ Scientific field of Mining, Petroleum and Geological Engineering
Scientific area of Natural Sciences/ Scientific field of Geology
Possibilities of continuing studies at a higher level: upon completion of the proposed study program, the student will gain the opportunity to continue his / her studies at a university graduate study level or specialist graduate study level in the Republic of Croatia or abroad.
Learning outcomes:
- Apply basic knowledge of natural sciences (mathematics, physics and chemistry) and technical sciences in the analysis of geological systems
- Use orthogonal and oblique projections of spatial objects and terrains and geodetic measurements in cartographic representations
- Identify the main petrogenic and ore minerals, fossils, basic types of rocks and describe the way of their formation in order to understand the development of continents and oceans, plate tectonics and the development of life during the geological past
- Determine geological boundaries, structures and structural relations and discontinuities, apply the principle of determining geological age and create a simple geological map, log plot and profile
- Read topographic, general and specific geological maps and associated interpreters
- Use GIS software for organization of geospatial data, spatial analysis and visualization
- Use chemicals and equipment in accordance with good laboratory practice and apply standards for testing geological materials
- Describe the types of aquifers and hydrogeological characteristics of rocks and construct head contour maps with determining the direction of groundwater flow for the purpose of exploitation and protection of water resources
- Define endodynamic and exodynamic processes and phenomena and explain their impact on the relief with regard to the physical and mechanical properties of rocks for the purpose of engineering interventions in the environment
- Describe the elements of the petroleum geology system and calculate the geological reserves of oil and / or natural gas based on isopach maps
- Classify deposits of non-energetic mineral raw materials on the basis of mineral composition, structure and process of formation and bring their exploitation in the context of global resource needs
- Determine the application of natural and crushed stone with regard to mineral-petrographic and physicalmechanical properties, and its durability
- Choose the method of surface geophysical research (electrical, gravimetric, magnetometric and seismic) to define the geological structure and composition of the underground during the exploration of mineral resources and groundwater and detection of geohazards
- Carry out geological, hydrogeological and engineering geological mapping, basic geological, shallow geophysical hydrogeological and engineering geological field measurements and sampling with the application of occupational safety measures
- Critically assess the role of geosciences in solving social problems related to natural hazards, energetic and nonenergetic geological resources, environmental pollution and global climate change
- Systematize and consolidate the results of own observations in the field, laboratory and office, and prepare and present a complete report using other relevant data sources, citing them correctly
- Communicate in speech and writing in standard Croatian and English (which includes geological and general technical and natural sciences terminology and basics of business communication) and use information and communication technology
- Participate in the design of the goal, time and financial plan of the research and in the implementation of the project as part of the team