2013. |
Author(s) from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering |
Article title - All authors |
Published in: |
1 |
Nakić, Zoran; Ružičić, Stanko |
Groundwater Pollution and Quality Monitoring Approaches at the European Level By:Balderacchi, M (Balderacchi, Matteo)[ 1 ] ; Benoit, P (Benoit, Pierre)[ 2 ] ; Cambier, P (Cambier, Philippe)[ 2 ] ; Eklo, OM (Eklo, Ole Martin)[ 3 ] ; Gargini, A (Gargini, Alessandro)[ 4 ] ; Gemitzi, A (Gemitzi, Alexandra)[ 5 ] ; Gurel, M (Gurel, Melike)[ 6 ] ; Klove, B (Klove, Bjorn)[ 7 ] ; Nakic, Z (Nakic, Zoran)[ 8 ] ; Preda, E (Preda, Elena)[ 9 ] ; Ruzicic, S (Ruzicic, Stanko)[ 8 ] ; Wachniew, P (Wachniew, Przemyslaw)[ 10 ] ; Trevisan, M (Trevisan, Marco)[ 1 ] ...Less |
CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 43 Issue: 4 Pages: 323-408 DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2011.604259 Published:JAN 1 2013 Document Type:Review |
2 |
Velić, Josipa; Malvić, Tomislav |
Local sediment sources and palaeoflow directions in Upper Miocene turbidites of the Pannonian Basin System (Croatian part), based on mapping of reservoir properties By:Novak Zelenika, K (Novak Zelenika, Kristina)[ 1 ] ; Velic, J (Velic, Josipa)[ 2 ] ; Malvic, T (Malvic, Tomislav)[ 1,2 ] |
GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Volume: 57 Issue: 1 Pages: 17-30 DOI: 10.7306/gq.1068 Published:2013 Document Type:Article |
3 |
Malvić, Tomislav |
Pliocene-Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentation at the Neretva River Mouth, on Croatian Adriatic Coast By:Balic, D (Balic, Davorin)[ 1 ] ; Malvic, T (Malvic, Tomislav)[ 1,2 ] |
GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY Volume: 57 Issue: 2 Pages: 233-241 DOI: 10.7306/gq.1090 Published:2013 Document Type:Article |
4 |
Bohanek, Vječislav; Dobrilović, Mario; Škrlec, Vinko |
Influence of the Initiation Energy on the Velocity of Detonation of ANFO Explosive By:Bohanek, V (Bohanek, Vjecislav)[ 1 ] ; Dobrilovic, M (Dobrilovic, Mario)[ 1 ] ; Skrlec, V (Skrlec, Vinko)[ 1 ] |
CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 4 Pages: 555-568 Published:2013 Document Type:Article |
5 |
Mihalić Arbanas, Snježana |
The ICL Adriatic-Balkan Network: analysis of current state and planned activities By:Arbanas, SM (Arbanas, Snjezana Mihalic)[ 1 ] ; Arbanas, Z (Arbanas, Zeljko)[ 2 ] ; Abolmasov, B (Abolmasov, Biljana)[ 3 ] ; Mikos, M (Mikos, Matjaz)[ 4 ] ; Komac, M (Komac, Marko)[ 5 ] |
LANDSLIDES Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 103-109 DOI: 10.1007/s10346-012-0364-2 Published:FEB 2013 Document Type:Article |
6 |
Borojević Šoštarić, Sibila |
Silver-base metal epithermal vein and listwanite hosted deposit Crnac, Rogozna Mts., Kosovo, part II: A link between magmatic rocks and epithermal mineralization By:Sostaric, SB (Sostaric, S. Borojevic)[ 1 ] ; Palinkas, LA (Palinkas, L. A.)[ 2 ] ; Neubauer, F (Neubauer, F.)[ 3 ] ; Hurai, V (Hurai, V.)[ 4 ] ; Cvetkovic, V (Cvetkovic, V.)[ 5 ] ; Roller-Lutz, Z (Roller-Lutz, Z.)[ 6 ] ; Mandic, M (Mandic, M.)[ 6 ] ; Genser, J (Genser, J.)[ 3 ] |
ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS Volume: 50 Pages: 98-117 DOI: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2012.10.005 Published:FEB 2013 Document Type:Review |
7 |
Malvić, Tomislav; Simon, Katarina |
Increased hydrocarbon recovery and CO2 management, a Croatian example By:Novak, K (Novak, Karolina)[ 1 ] ; Malvic, T (Malvic, Tomislav)[ 1,2 ] ; Simon, K (Simon, Katarina)[ 2 ] |
ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES Volume: 68 Issue: 4 Pages: 1187-1197 DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1819-4 Published:FEB 2013 Document Type:Article |
8 |
Duić, Željko |
Sediment characterization and its implications for arsenic mobilization in deep aquifers of eastern Croatia By:Bosnjak, MU (Bosnjak, M. Ujevic)[ 1 ] ; Casiot, C (Casiot, C.)[ 2 ] ; Duic, Z (Duic, Z.)[ 3 ] ; Fazinic, S (Fazinic, S.)[ 4 ] ; Halamic, J (Halamic, J.)[ 5 ] ; Sipos, L (Sipos, L.)[ 6 ] ; Santo, V (Santo, V.)[ 7 ] ; Dadic, Z (Dadic, Z.)[ 1 ] |
JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION Volume: 126 Pages: 55-66 DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2012.12.017 Published:MAR-APR 2013 Document Type:Article |
9 |
Tomljenović, Bruno |
Quantifying the mass transfer from mountain ranges to deposition in sedimentary basins: Source to sink studies in the Danube Basin-Black Sea system By:Matenco, L (Matenco, Liviu)[ 1 ] ; Andriessen, P (Andriessen, Paul)[ 2 ] Group Author(s): SourceSink Network The members of the SourceSink Network are: P.A.M. Andriessen, C. Avram, G. Bada, F. Beekman, M. Bielik, M. ter Borgh, G. Cifci, V. Cvetković, C. Dinu, E. Dombradi, D. Dondurur, M. Ergun, J. Francu, B. Fügenschuh, D. Garcia-Castellanos, J. Götz, F. Horváth, G. Houseman, S. Knežević, M. Kovac, S. Kralikova, W. Krijgsman, M. Kucuk, O. Legosteva, G. Lericolais, D. Jipa, L. Matenco, G. Maximov, M. Melinte, J. Minar, I. Munteanu, I.J. Munt, C. Olariu, J.C. Otto, N. Panin, D. Plašienka, M. Reiser, L. Rundić, M. Rupprechter, J. Safanda, S. Schmid, L. Schrott, R. Schuster, V. Starostenko, R.J. Steel, R. Stephenson, S. Stovba, D. Sokoutis, M. Stankoviansky, M. Stoica, U. Stojadinović, M. Toljić, B. Tomljenović, M. ter Voorde, H.K. Wong. |
GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE Volume: 103 Pages: 1-18 Special Issue: SI DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.01.003 Published:APR 2013 Document Type:Article |
10 |
Kolenković, Iva; Saftić, Bruno; Perešin, Dario |
Regional capacity estimates for CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers - Upper Miocene sandstones in the SW part of the Pannonian basin By:Kolenkovic, I (Kolenkovic, Iva)[ 1 ] ; Saftic, B (Saftic, Bruno)[ 1 ] ; Peresin, D (Peresin, Dario)[ 1 ] |
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL Volume: 16 Pages: 180-186 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.04.001 Published:AUG 2013 Document Type:Article |
11 |
Duić, Željko |
Characterization of arsenic-contaminated aquifer sediments from eastern Croatia by ion microbeam, PIXE and ICP-OES techniques By:Bosnjak, MU (Bosnjak, M. Ujevic)[ 1 ] ; Fazinic, S (Fazinic, S.)[ 2 ] ; Duic, Z (Duic, Z.)[ 3 ] |
NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS Volume: 312 Pages: 23-29 DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2013.07.003 Published:OCT 1 2013 Document Type:Article |
12 |
Cvetković, Marko; Malvić, Tomislav; Velić, Josipa |
Sequential Indicator Simulations maps of porosity, depth and thickness of Miocene clastic sediments in the Klostar field, Northern Croatia By:Zelenika, KN (Zelenika, Kristina Novak)[ 1 ] ; Cvetkovic, M (Cvetkovic, Marko)[ 2 ] ; Malvic, T (Malvic, Tomislav)[ 1,2 ] ; Velic, J (Velic, Josipa)[ 2 ] ; Sremac, J (Sremac, Jasenka)[ 3 ] |
JOURNAL OF MAPS Volume: 9 Issue: 4 Pages: 550-557 DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2013.829410 Published:OCT 1 2013 Document Type:Article |
13 |
Vlahović, Igor
Carbon-isotope record and palaeoenvironmental changes during the early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event in shallow-marine carbonates of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform in Croatia By:Sabatino, N (Sabatino, Nadia)[ 1 ] ; Vlahovic, I (Vlahovic, Igor)[ 2 ] ; Jenkyns, HC (Jenkyns, Hugh C.)[ 3 ] ; Scopelliti, G (Scopelliti, Giovanna)[ 1 ] ; Neri, R (Neri, Rodolfo)[ 1 ] ; Prtoljan, B (Prtoljan, Bozo)[ 4 ] ; Velic, I (Velic, Ivo)[ 4 ] |
GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE Volume: 150 Issue: 6 Pages: 1085-1102 DOI: 10.1017/S0016756813000083 Published:NOV 2013 Document Type:Article |
14 |
Pavelić, Davor |
Sedimentary characteristics and source of loess in Baranja (Eastern Croatia) By:Banak, A (Banak, Adriano)[ 1 ] ; Pavelic, D (Pavelic, Davor)[ 2 ] ; Kovacic, M (Kovacic, Marijan)[ 3 ] ; Mandic, O (Mandic, Oleg)[ 4 ] |
AEOLIAN RESEARCH Volume: 11 Pages: 129-139 DOI: 10.1016/j.aeolia.2013.08.002 Published:DEC 2013 Document Type:Article |
15 |
Durn, Goran |
Terra rossa as the substrate for biological phosphate removal from wastewater By:Durn, G (Durn, G.)[ 1 ] ; Hrenovic, J (Hrenovic, J.)[ 2 ] ; Sekovanic, L (Sekovanic, L.)[ 3 ] |
CLAY MINERALS Volume: 48 Issue: 5 Pages: 725-738 DOI: 10.1180/claymin.2013.048.5.05 Published:DEC 2013 Document Type:Article |