The main project organized by the student branch of the SPE was the fourth annual international student's energy conference (ASEC 2017), held in Zagreb from March 8-11, 2017. The primary goal in organizing this conference was to gather students, young engineers and experts from all parts of the world and discuss the latest achievements and ideas in the field of petroleum and gas industries. This year's conference was held under the high patronage of the Presindent of the Republic of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, which can attest to its size and importance.
Renowned experts from the oil and gas fields, as well as professors, domestic and foreign students participated in the official part of the Conference. A panel discussion about new sollutions to old challenges in oil and gas industry was also held and one of the participants was the Former Minister of Economy, Davor Štern. Aside from the panel discussion, computer programmes workshops were also held as was the poster competition, where the students of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering participated with their posters. The Conference was attended by over 300 visitors, 50 foreign students and over 30 lecturers, making it officialy the largest energy related student conference in Europe.
Our Branch established a men's choir to add to the atmosphere of the Conference and possible future events in 2016. The choir consists solely of members of our Association. The choir contributed to the solemnity of ASEC 2017.
The SPE Student Branch also organized a visit to Ravenna, Italy to OMC (Offshore Mediterranean Conference) where 30 active members participated.
The Branch offers information relating to all aspects of our profession as well as the possibility to participate in the projects run by the Association. Also, we organize social and educational events such as quiz night which also serves as a mixer to help introduce members of different ages and study directions, both on the premises of the Faculty and outside the Faculty.
Thanks to the initiative of the current leadership of the Association, our Branch participates in several projects, most important of which is the project of the drilling rig. The purpose of the project is to create a fully functional model of a National-type drilling rig, which would be used in promotion and education. The Association has over 200 active members, which participate in its work.
Members of the Association visited many foreign countries for the purpose of education and promotion of the Association and the Faculty, such as: Regional SPE Meeting in Krakow as well as the student conference in Krakow (East meets West) but we would like to single out our trip to San Antonio in October where five members of our SPE Student Branch took part in the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE). We have established new contacts, widened our cooperation with other SPE Student Branches from all around the world and presented our homeland internationally.
The SPE Student Branch president for academic year 2017/2018 is Matej Ružić.
Dodjela nagrade izvrsnosti u San Antoniu, listopad 2017. /Presentation od Excellence Award in San Antonio, October 2017
Svečano otvaranje konferencije, ožujak 2017. /Formal opening of the Conference, March 2017
OMC Ravenna, travanj 2017. / OMC Ravenna, April 2017
Posjet platformi Ivana A na sjevernom Jadranu, travanj 2017. /A visiti zo the Ivana A Platformi n the northern Adriatic, April 2017