Mineralogical section of Laboratory for analysis of geological materials

Mineralogical section of Laboratory for analysis of geological materials

Lab activity

The Laboratory for the analysis of geological materials (LaGEMA) analyses inorganic components of lithosphere and pedosphere (minerals, rocks, soils and water). The Laboratory consists of chemical, mineralogical and petrological sections.
Chemical section performs disintegration and digestion of samples. Analyses are performed using instrumental methods (IC, F-AAS, F-AES, GF-AAS, MHS-AAS, ISE potentiometry, volumetry, gravimetry). An important segment is granulometric analysis of sediments (sieving, sedimentation methods, and areometry).
Mineralogical section performs qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis. Mineralogical composition is estimated using X-ray diffraction on powder of a bulk sample as well as on processed samples in order to obtain more detailed information.
Petrological section performs rock analysis. Interpretation of rock formation, transformation and degradation is based on optical microscopy. According to the sort of microscopic method, samples are cut, thinned and polished prior to the analysis. Among the methods used are the methods of reflection, transmission, transmission in polarized light and the analysis of fluid inclusions.
The Laboratory performs analyses for educational, scientific and professional purposes. Practical classes in Mineralogy of clay, Environmental geochemistry, Applied analysis of environment, Exploration geochemistry, Instrumental analytical methods, Environmental monitoring and Methods of sediment research are held within the laboratory premises.

Head of the Lab: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., PhD

Mineralogical section of Laboratory for analysis of geological materials

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., dipl. ing

Mineralogical section performs qualitative and semi/quantitative mineralogical analysis. XRD patterns are measured, evaluated and samples can be further treated and re-measured according to the purpose of an investigation.
The section is equipped with XRD diffractometer Empyrean 3 from Malvern Panalytical. Source of X-rays is Cu lamp and detector is PixCel 3D. Sample can be accommodated in flat-stage, spinner, xyz cradle or HT chamber.



Sample preparation for microscopy:

  • Thin section (+ dyeing)
  • Polished macro sample (cubic shape, levelled on slide)
  • Bulk sample
  • Petrographic section
  • Micropaleontological sample


  • Freeze-dry
  • Drying at elevated temperature
  • Drying at ambient temperature

Milling and disintegration

  • Steel mill
  • Agate mill
  • Agate mortar
  • Porcelain mortar


  • Ultrasonic bath
  • Ultrasonic probe
  • Planetary shaker
  • End-over-end shaker
  • Magnetic stirrer


  • Dry sieving
  • Wet sieving
  • Areometry
  • Sedimentation

Digestion / removal

  • Carbonates (using HCl, HAc, buffered solution of HAc)
  • Iron and manganese oxides
  • Organic matter
  • Sulphates
  • Residual fraction
  • Sequential analysis according to Tessier or BCR 
  • Litogeochemistry – major oxides
  • Chemistry of carbonates


  • Heavy and light fraction using bromoform
    (sodium metatungstate)
  • Magnetic separation
  • Sedimentation in gravitational or centrifugal field
  • Manual separation under magnification

XRD samples

  • Randomly oriented specimen of bulk sample
  • Randomly oriented specimen of fine fraction saturated
    with ethylene-glycol
  • Oriented specimen of clayey fraction with treatments
    (K, Mg, EG, DMSO, firing)


  • X-ray diffraction
  • CEC determination
  • Volumetric analysis
  • Gravimetric analysis
  • Colorimetric measurements
  • Scheibler’s method for calcite content estimation
  • IC (vater): anions: F, K, NO2, Br, NO3, PO4, SO4; kations: Li, Na, NH4, Mg, K, Ca
  • pH, EC (soil, water)
  • Water absorption
  • Density (pycnometer)
  • Porosity and permeability
Analytical procedure and test method
 Analitic procedure

Test method









Small and medium sized equipment
Name Technical characteristics Application Image

Analytical scaleAB204-S/A

8-14,5V, 6VA, 9,5-20V=6W, 50/60Hz; e=1mg, d=0,1mg, Min=10g, Max=220g

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analysis carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Analiticka vaga

A centrifuge instrument

Beckman GS- 15 -0-145000rpm; 50Hz, 230Vac, 300W

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Departmant of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.


Water distiller 5 lit.

Capacity: 15l/h
Water conductivity 5mS

Sample preparation fo chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Departmant of MIneralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Destilator vode

Ecoprobe 5

Rechargeable battery; sampling stick equipped with thermometer; GPS antenna (3 m accuracy); measurment unit includes:photoionisation detector; infrared detector.

For rapid confinement of contaminated area due to the underground tanks and pipelines leakage; for contamination determining during the hydrocarbon transport accidents; measurment of gasseous hydrocarbons on the petrol stations; methane measurments inside and above the coal mines; methane measurment in stables.


The diffractometer Philips

Instrument parts: goniometer: PW 1820; electronic devices:PW 1710; sample rotor: PW 1774; automatic sampler (21 uzorak): PW 1775; generator: PW 1830; fine focus x-ray tube: PW 2273/20 (CuKα radiation; λ=0,15418nm); Gandolfi camera (Officina Electronica).

Scientifc (mineralogy, petrology, sedimentology, ore deposits, geoarchaeology); environmental protection; determination of raw material quality; pedology; engineering geology, civil engineering; geotechnics.

Difraktometar Philips

Ionic chromatograph

Type: ICS-90
Columns:  anion – AS14 4mm; cation – CS12A
Software: PeakNet 6, version 6.40.

Enviromental protection (water quality); exchangeable cation determination; chemical composition of porpus water determination; determination of major cations and anions in soil and sediment leacheates.

Ionski kromatograf

Magnetic stirrer „Agimatic“

Type: Agimatic E
Motor: 1600 rpm
Temperature: 360̊C

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other anakyses carried out at the Departmant of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits; most frequently used in the process of carbonate dissolution and sample dispersion.


Magnetic separator

115V, up to 2,2A

Sample preparation for mineralogical and petrological analyses.


Sieves- set of 3 pcs

Sieve size: copper 63µm – 6,3mm; stainless steel: 32, 45 i 63µm; wood: 36 – 6,3mm

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits; determination of granulometric composition of geological materials.


Stereomicroscope loupe

TYpe: MZ 7,5 ZOOM, binochular
Magnification up to 240x

Surface observation-based qualitative determination of mineral composition of rocks and other geological material; analysis of surcafe properties and stone damage; hand separation od minerals and fossils from the crushed samples of rocks and other geological materials for further analysis.

Stereoskopska lupa

Drying oven instruments

Temperature: 50-200̊C; 220V, 500W

Determination of humidity in soil and sediment samples; determination of crystalline water in geological material samples; sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Departmant of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Susionik instrumenata

Drying oven „Sauter“

Temperature: 40-240̊C; 220V, 500W

Determination of humidity in soil and sediment samples; determination of crystalline water in geological material samples; sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Departmant of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Susionik instrumenata

Orbital shaker

220V, 45W; 50/60Hz
Hub: diametar 10mm

Preparation of extracts for atomic absorption spectrometry; preparation of soil and sediment leacheates.

Tresilica orbitalna

Water bath 4x100, ordinary

Maximal temperature 110̊C
Capacity: 12 samples

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Vodena kupelj

Ultrasonic water bath

Type: Ultrasons 300514
capacity 9l
50/60Hz; 360W

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Vodena kupelj ultrazvucna

Apparatus for making clay texture of the preparation of samples for X-ray diffraction

Vacuum pump (230V, 50Hz, 1,1A), subpreassure up to 1 bar

Oriented sample (fraction <2µm) preparation for clay mineral analysis by XRD.

Aparatura za izradu teks preparata

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer

Type: SP-9; radiation source: cathodic lamps; electrical current range to power cathodic lamps:1-20 mA; wave length range: 190-853nm; minimal sample amount: 0,5ml; air and acetylene based flame; electric output 0-10mV (equivalent 0-1A).

Environmental protection: determination of heavy metals in soil and sediment contamination; Raw material research:determination of metal amount in ores and other raw material. Atomski apsorpcijski spektrofotometar

A centrifuge -  Tehnika

200W, 220V, 4000 revolution/minute

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out at the Departmant of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Centrifuga Tehnika

The mill - laboratory

Vessels: steel; agate
Velocities: 710 min-1 i 960 min-1
Capacity: 150 ml

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analyses carried out ant the Department of MIneralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Mlin laboratorijski

The soak furnace Heareous

Temperature: 100-1300̊C; 220V, 50Hz

Asmple preparation for chemical and X-ray analysis.

Pec za zarenje

The soak furnace Iskra

Temperature: 100-1100̊C; 220V, 3000W

Asmple preparation for chemical and X-ray analysis.

Pec za zarenje Iskra

Diamond saw

Diamond cut-off wheel
Motor: General Electronic (110/220V; SF1,0; AMB 40C)

Specimen preparation (thin section and polished sections); rock samples preparation for polishing.

Dijamantna pila

GlobeLog logger

Dimensions: 175 x 80 x 55 mm
Number of measured data: >250.000
Measuring interval: 1min..12h
Memory size: 2MB
Temperatura: from -40 to +60°C

Field measurements
Water balance, leaching, transport
studies, model calibration
Ecological impact studies
Agricultural or forestal studies

GlobeLog logger

Radioactivity meter Gamascout

Dimensions: 163 x 72 x 30 mm
Memory size: 2KB
Temperature: from -20 to +60°C
Measuring interval: 0.01 μSv/h....1,000.00 μSv/h

Field measurements
Ecological impact studies
Scientific studies

Mjerac radioaktivnosti Gamascout

Oksi-pH meter 340i

Dimensions: 172 x 80 x 37 mm
Temperature: from -10 to +55°C
pH measuring interval: -2 ...+19.99
pH resolution: 0.01
Oxi measuring ranges: 0...19.99 mg/l
Oxi resolution: 0.01
EC measuring ranges: 0.....1999 μS/cm
EC resolution: 1

Field measurements
Laboratory measuring
Ecological impact studies
Scientific studies

Oksi-pH metar 340i

Humidity sensor

Measuring range: 0 ... 100 %
Accuracy: ±1 %
Temperature: from -15 to +50°C

Field measurements
Water balance, leaching, transport
studies, model calibration
Ecological impact studies
Agricultural or forestal studies
In-situ retention curves

Senzor za vlagu

Screening instrument for gold

Dimensions: 172 x 80 x 37 mm
Smallest detectable gold and mineral dust: 0.05 mm
Battery: 9 V
Probe material: Stainless steel

Field measurements
Ecological impact studies
Scientific studies

Int za pr zlata

Sampler with case

Tube lenght: 150 cm
Core lenght: 25 cm
Tube material: Stainless steel

Assess of soil structure
Volume weight determinations
Core sampling for various analysis
Field education


Chaixmeca table for study of fluid inclusions

Temperature range of -180/+600°C

Ore deposits, hydrothermal circulation, geothermal systems, diagenetic processes, low to medium grade metamorphism, autometasomatism of the magmatic rocks, pegmatites.


Laboratory lyophiliser Cryodos

Size 700 mm x 660 mm x 730 mm, weight 60 kg, electrical connection 230 V, vacuum 5x10-3 mbar, process vacuum 4x10 2 mbar , condenser temperature -45 °C.

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical and other analysis carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Laboratorijski liofilizator Cryodos

The ultrasonic stick Sonopuls

Generator GM 3200, 200 W, 20 kHz, size 250 x 155 x 257 mm, weight 2,7 kg, time program 0:00:01 – 9:59:59 (h:mm:ss), volume 2 – 1000 ml, operation: continuous or pulse disaggregation.

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analysis carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Ultrazvučni stap Sonopuls


Direct current motor 12 V, 40 W, capacity 16 cuvettes  of  50 ml capacity.

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analysis carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.


Spectrophotometer Spekol 1100

320 – 900 nm, resolution 3,3 nm/pixel, drift <0,003 A/h, size 380 x 130 x 275 mm.

Chemical analysis of colored solutions, determination of CEC, tracer tracking.

Spektrofotometar Spekol 1100

Technical scale Ohaus AV8101

10 – 30 °C, 15 – 80 % RH, veličina 7,2 x 19,3 x 25,4 cm, max. 8100 g ± 0,2 g, vrijeme stabilizacije 2 s.

Sample preparation for chemical, mineralogical, granulometric and other analysis carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Tehnicka vaga Ohaus

Digestion block

Weight 24 kg, size 393 x 152 x 446 mm, temperature regulation PID microprocessor, temperature accuracy ± 0,2 %, Pt100 sensor, range 10 – 450 °C, 001 – 999 min per step, max. no. of steps 4.

Sample preparation for chemical analysis carried out at the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Mineral Deposits.

Digestijski blok


Teaching in the laboratory

Teaching in the laboratory / microscopy (students' practical work) in 2016/2017

Mandatory or Elective course

Number of hours of practical work in lab

Number of students per group

Number of groups


Environmental monitoring





Clay Mineralogy





Environmental Geochemistry





Applied Environmental Analysis





Instrumental analytical methods





Methods in Sedimentary Petrology





Optical Mineralogy





Sedimentary petrology





Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology











Projects in the laboratory

Projects in the laboratory in 2016/2017 

Scientific research (including University support)

Nanominerals in sediments and soils: formation, properties and their role in biogeochemical processes

Iron production along the Drava River in the Roman period and the Middle Ages: Creation and transfer of knowledge, technologies and goods

Natural habitat of clinically important Acinetobacter baumannii

Mineralogical and surface physico-chemical characteristics of red (paleo)soils of Istria and Susak island

Recent sediments and soils at the area od Neretva delta

Geological Evolution in the Early / Middle Mesozoic in the Dinarides 

Geological evolution of volcanic, volcanoclastic and sedimentary facies of the Dinarides in the early / middle Mesozoic 

Clay mineralogy in landslide hazard assessment (CROATIA - AUSTRIA)

Expert projects

Mineralogical and petrographical analyses of the silicate agregate


Teaching in the laboratory / microscopy (Students scientifice research)

Teaching in the laboratory / microscopy in 2016/2017 (Students scientifice research)

Name and surname of student

Thesis title

BSc Thesis

Toni Jagaš

Comparison of two bioaccessibility determination methods

Dino Host

Granulometric composition and cation exchange capacity of samples from the Valići landslide area

Bruno Oršanić

Selected analyses of sediments and water from the Slani potok catchment in the Vinodol Valley

Borna Čuljak

Petrography of basalts and rocks at their point of contact at the Puklica quarry, northwestern slopes of Papuk

Korina Kvadranti

Atlas of petrological and ore samples: magmatic rocks

Lea Petohleb

Micropetrographic analysis of limestones and dolomites

NIkolina Prežigalo

Micropetrographic analysis of samples calcarenite and related organogenic limestone

Romario Žegrec

Micropetrographic analysis of micritic and grained limestones

Luka Bubnić

Micropetrographic analysis of clastic arenites

Stjepan Lukić

Comparison of two different cation exchange capacity methods

MSc thesis

Lucija Mihaljević

Distribution of mineral phases and elements within soils and sediments near the Veliko jezero lake on the island of Mljet

Tin Borovčak

The impact of agricultural land on the unsaturated zone of the Velika Gorica well field area

Fran Jurković

Mineralogical and geochemical properties of soil and sediment near the Veliko jezero lake on the Island of Mljet

Karlo Starčević

Basic characteristics of dolomite - composed crushed stone relevant when determing their use

Dražen Pinjuh

Evaluation of utilization during exploitation of thin plates in the case of Lipovec stone

Ines Štimac

The role of clay minerals in the activation of the Kostanjek landslide

Lea Beloša

Mineralogical, geochemical, micromorphological and agroecological properties of paleosol located at Monte Coronichi (Istria)

Filip Šikić

Middle Triassic volcaniclastic deposits in Sinj area

Luka Brković

Microstructural elements of Permian-Triassic microbial deposits

Anja Đukan

The Permian and Triassic deposits and its boundary in the vicinity of Brušane

Nina Belas

Lithological, biostratigraphic and geochemical characteristics of the permian – triassic boundary in China and Hungary

Nina Hećej

Mineralogical, geochemical, pedophysical and micromorphological properties of paleosol developed on the top of loess-paleosol sequence in Savudrija, Istria

PhD thesis

Duje Smirčić

Genesis of Middle Triassic volcaniclastic deposits in the External Dinarides

Zoran Kovač

Nitrate origin in groundwater of the Zagreb alluvial aquifer