

 20230613 1

Reconstruction of Late Miocene and Early Pliocene diachronous infill of Mura and Drava Depressions

RIn Croatian part of Pannonian Basin System (Mura and Drava depression), Late Miocene-Pliocene post-rift sediments (Pannonian stage) are represented by large complex prograding clinothem sets visible on seismic sections. Using seismic stratigraphy as a method in other parts of the PBS Magyar et al. (2006, 2007), Sztano et al. (2013), Balasz et al. (2017) and Sebe et al. (2020) concluded that the lacustrine infill of Upper Miocene sediments consists of prograding deltaic complexes characterized by clinoforms on seismic reflection data. The reconstruction of the gradual progradation, i.e.... [More]

Author: Tomislav Baketarić, mag.geol. | 7. June 2024.

 20230613 1

Monitoring of the Rakovac spring discharge

Spring Rakovac is located on the Mt Žumberačka gora in the Poklek area, about 1.5 km NW of the village Koretići and about 1 km NW from Eko Selo Žumberak (Figure 1). This research has been carried out in order to determine the possibility of water usage from the spring Rakovac as an additional source of drinking water for the needs of the public water supply of the City of Samobor. The first step was to design and build a rectangular sharp-crested weir situated directly downstream from the spring (Figure 2)... [More]

Author: Laura Bačani, | 9. May 2024.

20230613 1

Analysis of a 3D Seismic Block in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Croatian Offshore)

The Aiza research area covers over 650 km2 of the northern Adriatic offshore, a common Adriatic foreland of the older Dinarides on the NE, and the younger Apennines on the SW. This paper’s main objective is to reconstruct the evolution of the carbonate platform and the geometry of its margin in the area. It also aims to define the structural-tectonic setting of the research area, with a particular focus on investigating the possible continuation of inferred transverse structures (oriented obliquely or perpendicularly to the platform margin and the orogenic belts)... [More]

Author: Ana Kamenski, MSc. | 05. April 2024.

 20230613 1

Provenience and properties of the raw materials in the context of pottery technology from different periods of the past in Croatia

After completing my graduate study in geology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, I am employed as an assistant at the Institute of Archaeology, on the research project of the Croatian Science Foundation (prePOT, UIP-2020-02-3637, The project represents the first systematized research of pottery, raw materials, and technological choices in Croatia based on connecting different scientific fields (archaeology and geology)... [More]

Author: Natali Neral | 13. Februar 2024.

20230613 1

Influence of Mandarin Peel on Water-Based Mud Properties and Wellbore Stability

In recent period, researchers have started conducting laboratory research to determine whether different types of biodegradable food waste can be used as additives in water-based drilling mud. Correctly designed composition of the mud is extremely important for the successful construction of the wellbore, since mud is complex fluid whose composition and properties affect the efficiency of drilling process (Gaurina-Međimurec et al., 2000). Therefore, any new type of additive must be researched in detail in relation to all the necessary properties that must be obtained during drilling operations. Wasted drilling mud and associated waste generated during drilling operations represents second largest volume of waste generated during exploration and production projects in oil and gas industry, so this kind of research can have considerably positive results for the environment (Haut et al., 2007; Gaurina-Međimurec et al., 2020).... [More]

Author: Igor Medved, PhD | 27. May 2023.

20230613 1


Decarbonization of heating and cooling systems represents a special challenge in densely populated areas due to the increased concentration of heating and cooling energy consumption. One of the possibilities is the use of shallow geothermal systems, and the dimensioning it in the way that should anticipate and maximally avoid the unwanted effect of undercooling and overheating of the reservoir with the aim of meeting energy-efficient heating and cooling needs in the long term. The intensity of unwanted effects depends on numerous physical parameters of the reservoir and the flow of underground water, as well as the dynamics of the demand for heating and cooling of facilities on the surface... [More]

Author: Amalia Lekić Brettschneider, and Assoc. Prof. Luka Perković, PhD Sc. ing. | 14. May 2023.

20230613 1

Subsurface research– distribution of geological characteristics

Proper assessment of the distribution of lithological composition in the subsurface is one of the key elements when evaluating the hydrocarbon potential of an area, as well as geothermal potential and possibility for the CO2 geological storage. Spatial definition of the distribution of lithological composition is only one of the steps in the characterization of the subsurface... [More]

Author: Ana Kamenski, MSc. | 13. April 2023.

 20210519 1

Assessment of Bentonite Saturation Impact on Swelling Pressure, Safety, and Usability in Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository

Disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) is one of the most challenging engineering tasks, as evidenced by the fact that even after seventy years of their production, there is still no active repository in the world where SNF and HLW are permanently disposed of. There are several issues related to the construction of a deep geological repository for SNF and HLW (Uroić et al., 2022), such as:.... [More]

Author: Galla Uroić, | 02. Mart 2023.

 20210519 1

Origin, fate and transport modelling of nitrate in the Varaždin aquifer

Over the last decades, high nitrate concentrations in Varaždin alluvial aquifer raised public concern regarding groundwater quality. The aquifer is the main source of drinking water for the local population in the Varaždin County in NW Croatia. Moreover, according to its hydrogeological characteristics, it represents one of the strategic groundwater resources in Croatia.... [More]

Igor Karlović, mag. ing. geol. | 11. November 2022.

 20210519 1

Fracture System and Rock-Mass Characterization by Borehole Camera Surveying: a fast, affordable, and precise method for rock mass characterization

One of the most common challenges of geological exploration is reconstructing underground geological settings based on surface data. When conducting such research, collecting as much data as possible from the surface is important to reconstruct the subsurface geological settings more realistic and precise. This is often the case when investigating rock discontinuities (bedding, fractures, etc.).... [More]

Author: Ivica Pavičić, PhD., Postdoctoral researcher | 26. Augist 2022.

 20210519 1

Implementing machine learning in the processing and interpretation of geophysical data with emphasis on self-organizing maps (SOM)

Ambiguity of interpretation is a term that is characteristic for most of geophysical data andit showcases the impossibility of defining a single underground model based solely on measured data. This phenomenon is caused by the heterogeneity of the observed surrounding, or the fact that the properties of the rocks change in all directions, although these properties are mostly correlated (Klose, 2006)... [More]

Autor: Ana Brcković, mag. geol. | 31. Svibanj 2022.

 20210519 1

Kostanjek landslide monitoring observatory

Landslides, generally defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope (Cruden, 1991), play an important role in the evolution of a landscape (Crozier, 2010). Landslides include different materials, various types of movements, states of activity and different velocities (Cruden and Varnes, 1996; Hungr et al., 2014)... [More]

Associate professor Martin Krkač | 31. Svibanj 2022.

 20210519 1

Differences in the behaviour of lanthanides and trace elements in oxidizing and reducing soil environments: comparison between terra rossa soils and Cretaceous palaeosols in the Istrian peninsula

Cretaceous palaeosols and terra rossa soils from the succession of the western-Istrian anticline formed in contrasting redox environment which makes them ideal for mutual comparison, as the behavior of trace elements and lanthanides is highly dependent of the redox conditions... [More]

Ivor Perković, mag. ing. geol. | 16. Svibanj 2022.

 20210519 1

Extracts of selected plants as steel corrosion inhibitors in hydrocarbon production and transportation systems

Through the process of oil and gas production, gathering, treatment and transportation, most of the process equipment and pipelines are made of carbon steel. In most cases, depending on the type of the reservoir, the production of hydrocarbons involves the production of a certain amount of brine. In addition to brine, the produced fluid may contain impurities such as sand, additives that were used during the production process (biocides, scale inhibitors, demulsifiers, etc.), but also dissolved gas, carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which... [More]

Katarina Žbulj, Ph.D. | 16. May 2022.

 20210519 1

Landslide susceptibility maps

Landslide susceptibility is defined as the spatial, time independent probability of landslide occurring in an area depending on the local terrain conditions (Guzzeti et al., 1999). A landslide susceptibility map is a map showing the sub-division of the terrain into zones (classes) that have a different likelihood of a landslide occurring (Corominas et al, 2013).

Landslide susceptibility maps are based on the assumption that landslides are likely to occur under the same conditions as those under which they occurred in the recent past... [More]

Marko Sinčić, mag. ing. geol. | 29. April 2022.

 20210519 1

Rift tectonostratigraphic sequences of Lower and Middle Miocene in eastern part of the Drava depression: application of CO2 geological storage assessment

The aim of the research is to present an estimate of the geological storage potential of carbon dioxide (CO2) based on the tectonostratigraphic interpretation of the Lower and Middle Miocene rocks within the eastern part of the Drava Depression... [More]

David Rukavina, Ph.D. | 29. April 2022.

 20210519 1

Petrogenesis of peridotite and pyroxenite in the Banovina area, Croatia

In the Banovina area, peridotites and pyroxenites are rocks formed as parts of the former earth's upper mantle, representing material that comes from deep parts of the earth (up to 100 km), which cannot be reached by drilling. Farther more, the appearance of such rocks is evidence of the existence of the former oceanic realm, so their exploration is extremely important for all those involved in petrology, mapping, regional and structural geology... [More]

Šime Bilić, Ph.D. | 29. April 2022.

 20210519 1

Use of gas smart meters for the purpose of optimizing the gas system

Although a fossil fuel, natural gas remains one of the most important energy sources in the European Union, having met about a quarter of its energy needs in 2020. With the development of the European Union's green policy, it is evident that natural gas has no prospects as an energy source in the period after 2050, but until then it will have an important transitional role... [More]

Ivan Smajla, mag. ing. petrol. | 29. April 2022.

 20210519 1

Engineering geological mapping of rock mass using remote sensing techniques

Successfully implemented interventions in rock masses largely depend on the quality and manner of conducting research work. Mechanical properties of rock mass depend on the properties of intact rock and the properties of discontinuity (ISRM, 1978). For this reason, knowledge of the geometric features of discontinuities and the definition of representative... [More]

Hrvoje Lukačić,, | 21. April 2022.

 20210519 1

Stable Water Isotopes

Isotopes are atoms of the same chemical element that have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons in their nucleus. Take the same position in the table of elements, have the same chemical properties but different mass number. There are stable and unstable, i.e. radioactive isotopes (radionuclides). Oxygen, for example, has three stable isotopes: 16O, with 8 protons and 8 neutrons... [More]

Patricia Buškulić, | 1. July 2021.

 20210519 1

Preliminary test results of gas permeability of soils and GCLs

The ability of a porous media, and also of soil, to allow the flow of a fluid through it is called permeability. Fluids passing through a porous media can be in gaseous or liquid form. The hydraulic conductivity of soil is a well-known property and it is described by an advective flow regime. However, in nature, fluid in porous media is very commonly... [More]

Helena Vučenović, PhD mag. ing. min. | 18. June 2021.

 20210519 1

Measurements of radon, CO2 and hydrocarbon concentrations in soil gas and gamma dose rate for the purpose of geological model improvement

GEOlogical characterization of the Eastern part of the Drava depression subsurface intended for the evaluation of Energy Potentials (GEODEP) project started in February 2020 and will last until February 2025. It is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation and it involves 10 researchers and two associates... [More]

Marija Pejić, mag.geol. | 25. May 2021.

 20210519 1

Integration of Photovoltaic Electricity with Shallow Geothermal Systems for Residential Microgrids

Sustainable development has several key elements: to diagnose the current state of industrial and residential systems, to include appropriate targeting of the needs for heat and power supply and targeting power generation operation... [More]

assoc. prof. Luka Perković

Amalia Lekić Brettschneider, mag. ing. petrol. | 25. May 2021.

 20210519 1

Paleolimnology of karst lakes in Croatia

Paleolimnology is a scientific discipline that focuses on past conditions and processes in lake basins (Last & Smol, 2001). Paleolimnologists use physical, chemical and biological indicators in lake sediments to determine the paleoenvironment and evolution... [More]

Ivona Ivkić Filipović, M.Geol. | 19. May 2021.

 20210519 1

CO2-EOR Process and CO2 storage during EOR

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods are used to produce additional oil after the primary production phase (where production is based on natural reservoir energy) or, most often, after waterflooding (secondary phase). Some EOR methods are related to CO2 injection (CO2-EOR)...  [More]

Maja Arnaut, | 26. March 2021.

 20210519 1

Research of extreme – explosives

One of the main aims of the research, as a part of HRZZ project NEIDEMO, is to develop an improved model of nonideal detonation, based on Wood-Kirkwood’s theory and thermochemical code EXPLO5. Detonation of explosive charge results in a detonation wave through explosive propagating with velocity up to 10 km/s...


Barbara Štimac, M.Geol. | 16. March 2021.

 20210519 1


Mineralogical and geochemical correlation between bog iron ore and archaeological objects

Based on long term systematically field examinations of Ivan and Zlatko Zvijerac from Torčec, Josip Cugovčan from Podravske Sesvete, late Miralem Alečković from Hlebine, Ranko Pavleša from Starigrad and employees of the Museum of Koprivnica, over the last 30 years numerous archaeological sites were found in the Podravina region and dated to Late Antique and Middle Ages were discovered. ... [More]

Tomislav Brenko, M. geol. | 14. Mart 2022.

 20210519 1


Determination of the Earth's structure by Local Earthquake Tomography method

Knowledge of the Earth's interior is key to understanding geological structures and their relationships observed on the surface. In the last two decades, many regional studies of the European lithosphere have been carried out, while in the past ten years local geophysical researches have been intensified in the Dinarides... [More]

Josipa Kapuralić, PhD mag. ing. geol. | 20. November 2020.

 20210519 1  

Nanoparticle-based drilling muds

The first scientist who pointed out that devices and materials could one day be produced in a size corresponding to the size of an atom was Richard Feynman in 1959. The term "nanotechnology" was first used in 1974... [More]

Petar Mijić, | 06. October 2020.

 20210519 1

Excavator Productivity in Mining of Mineral Raw Materials

The world mining has been developing rapidly in recent years, following the global trend of economic development. Demand for certain minerals is growing rapidly and natural, technological, law and social conditions can greatly limit capacity. Therefore, one of the biggest challenges of modern mining... [More]

Vjekoslav Herceg, mag. ing. rud. | 16. June 2020.

 20210519 1


Geothermal energy exploitation by revitalizing abandoned oil and gas wells

In the Republic of Croatia hydrocarbon production began back in the end of the 19th century. However, modern oil and gas production began in the mid-20th century and is still continuing today. According to data from INA d.d. group, there are around 4500 exploratory, production and development wells in Croatia (INA d.d., 2018)...  [More]

Marija Macenić, | 19. May 2020.

20210519 1

Rockfall susceptibility assessment of the rock slopes above the Town of Omiš

Rock falls are a common phenomenon on the steep slopes and road cuts in the Dinarides. They are the result of unfavourable characteristics of the rock mass, weathering in combination with heavy rainfall and anthropogenic factor... [More]

Marin Sečanj, | 15. May 2020.

 20210519 1

Teaching-research polygon, Velika Gorica

Groundwater reserves of the Zagreb unconfined aquifer are defined as a strategic resource of groundwater in Croatia within the Croatian Waters’ Water Management Strategy. They present the only source of potable water for the inhabitants of the City of Zagreb and one part... [More]

Laura Bačani, mag. ing. geol. | 15. May 2020.